



9月16日,星期三 下午7点。



访问Regina.ca/proposeddevelopment 了解更多信息并填写意见表。


• 原业主离开后 该物业成为Cook House 并在2019年被列为遗产。

建议• 申请人建议在该地上开发16个住宅单元。朝向阿尔伯特街的部分建筑会保留下来,剩下的建筑将被拆除。
在原来的结构后面会增加一四个单元 在原来的南面会增加12个单位。


流程• 请参阅页面背面的申请审核流程

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Public Information Session Proposed Development at 3160 Albert Street

The City is reviewing a Contract Zone application for a proposed development at 3160 Albert Street – also known as the “Cook House.” The applicant is proposing to turn the home into a multi-family residential unit, while conserving portions of the original structure facing Albert Street. An amendment to the Heritage Designation Bylaw is also being considered concurrently through this process.

Residents are invited to attend a virtual information session to learn more:

Wednesday, September 16

7 p.m.

URL link: Regina.ca/3160albert

City staff and the developer will be available to answer questions.

Feedback on the proposed development is accepted until September 25. Visit Regina.ca/proposeddevelopment for more information and to fill out a comment form.

A report will tentatively be brought to Regina Planning Commission (RPC) and Council for consideration in December and January, respectively.Like what you read?

REgina property
REgina property

Background • The subject property is located within the Lakeview Neighbourhood.

• The subject property is currently Zoned as R1-Residential Detached Zone

with RID – Residential Infill Development Overlay Zone, in which a MultiFamily Residential is not permitted.

• The property is known as the “Cook House” after the original owners and

was designated as Heritage Property in 2019.

Proposal • The applicant proposes to develop 16 residential units on the property. The

portions of the building facing Albert Street with exception to the sunroom

would be retained and the rest of the building would be demolished.

Additions would be added behind the original structure to accommodate four

units and there would be a 12-unit addition to the south of the original


• 24 parking stalls would be accommodated underground, accessed from the

alley. 10 stalls would be provided at surface, accessed directly from the alley.

• The applicant is requesting City Council’s approval of the following:

• Amendment to the Heritage Designation Bylaw (2019-7) to

remove references to the sunroom, concrete foundation, and

glass bottom bottles.

• Contract Zone approval to amend the Zoning Bylaw to allow for

16 residential units in this location. If approved, the development

would be generally limited to the approved plans.

• Closure of a portion of the Hill Avenue right of way. The applicant

has requested to purchase the a 3.25m wide portion of the

boulevard between the subject property and sidewalk to allow for

more development area.

Additional Information

Process • Refer to the Application Review Process on back of page

• Any person is free to address Regina Planning Commission or City Council.

If you wish to be kept informed about the date and time of these meetings, be

sure to give the City your contact information.


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